In summary Agribusiness and Management

2023 Base Score
2023 Base Success Rank


The Agricultural Trade and Business Management Undergraduate Program is a four-year university education program that aims to provide commercial and business management skills for the agricultural sector. This program teaches students the trade and business management techniques required in the processes from the production of agricultural products to the consumer. The program focuses on topics such as agricultural economics, marketing strategies, financial management, supply chain management and sustainable agricultural practices.

During the training, students are provided with practical application opportunities as well as theoretical knowledge. Lectures are supported by case studies, real-time market analysis and field visits to provide students with real-world experience of the sector. In particular, internship opportunities allow students to connect with the business world and gain work experience before graduation.

Graduates of the Department of Agribusiness and Management have a wide range of employment opportunities. Graduates can work in companies that produce agricultural products, organizations that trade agricultural raw materials, food processing plants, pesticides and seed companies. They can also work in agricultural policy development and implementation positions in the public sector. Graduates with strong entrepreneurial skills can also find the opportunity to establish their own agricultural enterprises.

The teaching materials used throughout the program are based on current research and industry reports. This enables students to keep abreast of current market trends and technological developments. Teaching methods include interactive lectures, group projects, seminars and workshops. This variety helps students develop their ability to work both individually and as a team.

In conclusion, the Bachelor's Program in Agribusiness and Management offers a comprehensive education for those who wish to pursue a career in the commercial and business aspects of the agricultural sector. The program equips students with sectoral knowledge as well as the opportunity to gain practical experience and shape their careers.