In summary Archaeology

2023 Base Score
2023 Base Success Rank


The Bachelor of Archaeology is a university education program, usually lasting four years, that focuses on past civilizations, human history and cultural heritage. The main goal of this program is to teach students how archaeological discoveries and excavations are conducted, how historical artifacts are studied, and how this information is used to understand human history.

The academic content of the program has a wide range. The courses examine archaeological finds of different civilizations, usually starting from prehistoric times. In these courses, students are trained on topics such as works of art, architectural structures and objects of daily life from various periods. Applied courses such as archaeological methodology and research techniques, excavation methods, artifact conservation and restoration techniques are also an important part of the program.

The teaching methods include theoretical lectures as well as practical work. Students often find opportunities for laboratory work, field trips and participation in real archaeological excavations. These practical applications allow students to experience the real working environment in the field and put their theoretical knowledge into practice.

There are various career opportunities for archaeology graduates. Graduates can pursue academic careers in museums, research institutions, universities or work in the field of cultural heritage conservation and management. They can also work in archaeological excavation projects, restoration and conservation.

Internship and practicum opportunities are of great importance for students to gain professional experience and introduce them to the business world. Within the scope of these programs, students may have the chance to do internships at excavation sites or museums. Such experiences provide an important advantage that makes it easier for graduates to find a job.

As a result, the Archaeology Undergraduate Program is an ideal option for students interested in tracing the traces of the past and shedding light on human history. This program offers a comprehensive education covering both theoretical knowledge and field experiences and prepares graduates for a variety of career opportunities.