Academic Content and Curriculum of Communication Arts Undergraduate Program

The Communication Arts Undergraduate Program offers a curriculum that will provide students with a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge in the field of communication. The academic content of the program consists of a variety of theoretical courses, applied studies and workshops. The curriculum provides students with the basic knowledge necessary to understand communication processes, media structure and functioning, and encourages them to think creatively and critically.

In the first years of the program, students learn basic communication theories and concepts. These courses include subjects such as Communication Theories, Media and Society, Media History. The Communication Theories course presents the various theoretical frameworks necessary to understand the communication process. Media and Society examines the interactions between media and society and focuses on media influences. Media History deals with the historical development and evolution of media tools.

In the second and third years, students acquire knowledge in more specific areas. The Visual Communication course teaches how visual elements are used in communication and the principles of effective visual design. Digital Media course covers the impact of digital technologies on communication and digital media strategies. Public Relations Strategies course covers managing organizations' relations with the public and creating strategic communication plans. Advertising courses teach how advertising campaigns are planned, executed and evaluated.

At the advanced levels of the program, students develop their practical skills through applied courses and workshops. In the Media Production Techniques course, students are trained in video, audio and photo production. In these courses, students produce their own media content using professional equipment. The Multimedia Design course enables students to gain competence in graphic design, web design and animation. Content Management course focuses on creating, editing and managing content on digital platforms.

Throughout the program, various workshops are organized that help students develop their creativity and critical thinking skills. These workshops can take the form of group projects and individual projects. For example, a creative writing workshop develops students' storytelling skills, while an advertising campaign workshop simulates the process of creating a real advertising project. Such workshops allow students to gain practical experience and use their theoretical knowledge in real-world applications.

Finally, the elective courses offered as part of the program allow students to specialize according to their interests. Students can gain in-depth knowledge in areas such as film and television, social media management, crisis communication, media ethics and law. These elective courses help students gain specialized knowledge and skills for their career goals.

The Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts prepares students for a successful career in the media and communication industry by providing them with a broad range of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The curriculum enables students to understand the world of communication, develop their creative and critical thinking skills, and gain the practical experience they will need in professional life.