Academic Content and Curriculum of Customs Management Undergraduate Program

The academic content and curriculum of the Customs Business Administration Undergraduate Program is designed to provide students with in-depth knowledge and skills in customs management, international trade and logistics. The program offers a comprehensive education covering both theoretical and practical courses.

Core Courses: The program provides students with a solid grounding in core subjects such as economics, business, law and international relations. These courses provide the basic knowledge necessary to understand the more complex issues of customs clearance and international trade.

Customs Legislation and Applications: Students learn the details of customs legislation, customs procedures, tariff and taxation systems. These courses comprehensively cover the legal and administrative aspects of customs procedures.

Foreign Trade and International Trade Law: These courses focus on the legal aspects of international trade. Students are introduced to international trade agreements, export and import regulations, standards and procedures applied in international trade.

Logistics and Transportation: Courses in this area cover topics related to the efficient transportation and management of goods and services at the international level. Students learn about supply chain management, logistics operations and international transportation methods.

Economics and Finance: Economic aspects of customs procedures, economic theories of international trade and foreign trade finance are covered in these courses.

Risk Management and Customs Audit: These courses focus on the management and auditing of risks that may be encountered in customs operations. Students are trained in customs audit techniques and risk analysis.

Practical Applications and Internships: As part of the program, students are offered internship and practicum opportunities that will give them real-world experience. These experiences help students put their theoretical knowledge into practice and better understand the functioning of the sector.

The curriculum of the program is designed with a balanced and comprehensive approach to enable students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in customs procedures and international trade. The program aims to equip students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to become effective and competent professionals in this field.