In summary Dairy and Livestock Farming

2023 Base Score
2023 Base Success Rank


Dairy and Livestock Animal Husbandry Associate Degree Program is an education program that aims to train qualified personnel for the livestock sector. This program aims to provide students with basic knowledge and practical skills related to milk and meat production. The academic content of the program generally covers subjects such as animal nutrition, animal health, farm management, dairy and meat technology. These courses include the knowledge needed to raise animals in a healthy and productive way and provide students with practical solutions for various situations they will encounter in the livestock sector.

The teaching methods include theoretical lectures as well as practical training. Students have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice through laboratory work, farm visits and hands-on workshops. These experiences help students cope with real-life challenges and prepare them for professional life.

Students who graduate from the program can find the opportunity to work in milk and meat production facilities, livestock farms, animal health centers and related public institutions. In addition, they can take a step towards becoming an entrepreneur by establishing their own businesses. Considering the continuous development of the sector and the importance of animal husbandry in the economy, there are various career opportunities for graduates.

Internship and practice opportunities are also an important part of the program. Students can experience the working conditions in the sector and increase their chances of finding a job after graduation by doing internships in various businesses during their education period. These internships allow students to reinforce their theoretical knowledge and develop their professional skills.

In summary, Dairy and Livestock Husbandry Associate Degree Program is an applied and comprehensive education program that provides basic knowledge and skills for individuals who are interested in the livestock sector and aim to pursue a career in this field. This program offers its graduates various career paths in the livestock sector and prepares them in accordance with the needs of the sector.