In summary Forest Engineering

2023 Base Score
2023 Base Success Rank


The Forest Engineering Undergraduate Program aims to train professionals specialized in issues related to the sustainable management, conservation and rehabilitation of forest ecosystems. This program aims to maintain ecological balance and promote environmental sustainability by ensuring the efficient use of forest resources. Forest engineers are equipped with scientific knowledge and technical skills to conserve, develop and manage natural resources.

The academic content of the program consists of a wide range of courses in biology, ecology, forestry, soil science, water resources management, environmental engineering and economics. Students study the structure and functioning of forest ecosystems, plant species and their ecological roles, and the impact of forests on the carbon cycle. The curriculum also includes practical courses such as forestry techniques, fighting forest fires, afforestation and rehabilitation work. The use of technological tools such as forest mapping, geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing are also taught.

Education methods include theoretical lectures, laboratory studies, field studies and projects. Students reinforce their theoretical knowledge practically with field trips to forest areas. During these field trips, they have the opportunity to observe the dynamics of forest ecosystems, biodiversity and sustainable forestry practices. Teaching materials consist of textbooks, academic articles and digital resources. In addition, students develop teamwork skills through projects and group work.

Career and employment opportunities for Forest Engineering graduates are quite diverse. Graduates can work in public institutions, private sector and non-governmental organizations. They can work in public institutions such as the General Directorate of Forestry, municipalities, ministries of environment and forestry. In the private sector, there are opportunities to work in forestry companies, landscape and environmental consulting companies. They can also work as consultants in environmental protection and sustainable development projects. Those who want to pursue an academic career can continue their graduate education and become researchers or lecturers.

Internship and practice opportunities provide important opportunities for students to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice. Forest engineering students gain professional experience by doing internships in various public and private sector organizations. During these internships, they receive practical training in planning and management of forestry activities, fighting forest fires, afforestation and maintenance work. They can also take part in national and international forestry projects as volunteers.

The Forest Engineering Undergraduate Program trains students to be well-equipped specialists in the sustainable management and conservation of forest resources. The program offers students a comprehensive forestry education with its broad and comprehensive academic content, practical training methods and wide career opportunities. Students studying in this field graduate with the knowledge and skills to make significant contributions to the conservation and sustainability of natural resources.