In summary Quality Control in Production

2023 Base Score
2023 Base Success Rank


Quality Control in Production Associate Degree Program is a program that covers a two-year education process and aims to provide students with expertise in the development, production and control of products in accordance with quality standards in the production sector. The main objective of the program is to train technicians who are competent in the field of quality control and assurance, equipped with theoretical knowledge and practical skills. During the education, students are given in-depth knowledge on materials, measurement techniques, statistical process control, quality management systems and quality assurance. In addition, technological skills required by the sector such as computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) are also included in the curriculum.

The curriculum of the program includes theoretical courses as well as laboratory work and hands-on learning. This gives students the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned to real-world problems. In addition, thanks to internships and projects carried out in cooperation with the industry, students gain the necessary experience and skills to make a quick transition to the business world when they graduate.

As for career opportunities, Quality Control in Production graduates can find jobs in the manufacturing sector, especially in various industries such as automotive, metal, food, textile and electronics in positions such as quality control technician, quality assurance specialist, production planning technician. They can also further their careers by obtaining certification and additional training in quality management systems.

The Quality Control in Production Program emphasizes the importance of quality and efficient production by providing students with a solid theoretical background and knowledge of current practices in the industry. The program is designed to enable its graduates to understand and apply quality standards and contribute to continuous improvement processes. Therefore, it is an ideal choice for individuals who care about quality in the production sector and aim to pursue a career in this field.