In summary Tea Agriculture and Processing Technology

2023 Base Score
2023 Base Success Rank


Tea Agriculture and Processing Technology Associate Degree Program is an education program designed to train the qualified workforce needed by the tea industry. This program deals with processes such as tea cultivation, harvesting, processing and marketing in a comprehensive manner. Students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about the biology of the tea plant, its cultivation, harvesting and subsequent processing techniques.

The curriculum of the program includes basic sciences and applied courses related to tea agriculture. Topics such as botany, soil science, plant protection and agricultural techniques are among the basic science courses, while topics such as tea harvesting, fermentation, drying and quality control are applied courses. These courses aim to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills at every stage of tea production.

The teaching methods include theoretical lectures as well as laboratory studies, workshops and field trips. Students learn tea cultivation and processing techniques in practice, thus reinforcing their theoretical knowledge. Students have the chance to observe the internal dynamics of the sector on site through technical trips to tea plantations and processing facilities.

The career opportunities offered to graduates of the program are quite diverse. Graduates can work in tea plantations, tea processing plants, quality control laboratories or tea-related research and development projects. They can also pursue careers in food safety and quality management.

Internships and practicum opportunities provide students with early exposure to the industry and experience the real conditions of the business world. These internships provide students with practical experience and professional networking that will help them find a job after graduation.

In summary, the Tea Agriculture and Processing Technology Associate Degree Program offers a comprehensive education for those who want to pursue a career in the tea industry. The program provides students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed by the sector, while providing career opportunities in various areas of the tea industry.