Academic Content and Curriculum of Tourism and Travel Services Associate Degree Program

The academic content and curriculum of the Tourism and Travel Services Associate Degree Program are designed to inform students about the broad and dynamic nature of the tourism sector and to provide them with practical skills. The curriculum of this program offers students a comprehensive education, focusing on various fields in the industry.

The courses included in the curriculum usually include:

Tourism Principles and Practices: This course focuses on the basic concepts, history and development of the tourism sector. Students will gain general information about world tourism and Turkish tourism.

Customer Service Management: The importance of customer satisfaction in the tourism sector and customer service strategies are the main topics of this course. Effective communication skills and customer relationship management are emphasized.

Travel Agency Management: The functioning and management of travel agencies and their role in the tourism sector. Reservation systems, ticket sales techniques and agency operations are the main topics of this course.

Tour Guidance: Guiding techniques, presentation of cultural heritage and group management are the content of this course.

Hotel Management: Hotel operations, room management, front desk operations and hotel marketing are among the main topics of the course.

Foreign Language: Considering the importance of foreign language skills in the tourism industry, students are usually taught in English. Some programs may additionally offer a second foreign language.

Computer Applications: This course includes training on computer programs and reservation systems used in the tourism sector.

Marketing and Sales: Marketing of tourism products, sales techniques and strategies are the main topics of this course.

The internship and practice opportunities offered to students allow them to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. Internships are usually carried out in travel agencies, hotels and other tourism enterprises. In this process, students experience real working conditions in the sector and develop their professional skills.

The curriculum of the program aims to provide students with in-depth knowledge of various aspects of the tourism sector, while at the same time providing them with the practical skills necessary to succeed in the industry. This prepares graduates for a variety of career opportunities in tourism and travel services.