Academic Content and Curriculum of Tourist Guidance Associate Degree Program

The academic content of the Tourist Guidance Associate Degree Program aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to become a successful guide in the tourism sector. The curriculum of the program consists of courses covering the general structure of the tourism sector, guiding techniques, cultural and geographical information.

Fundamentals of Tourism and Guiding Principles: In these courses, the basic concepts of tourism, the structure of the tourism sector and the basic principles of tourist guiding are discussed. Students learn the economic, social and cultural dimensions of the tourism sector.

Cultural Heritage and Geography: This section focuses on understanding different geographies and cultures. Students are given detailed information about the history, geographical features and cultural richness of the regions they will guide.

Communication Skills and Group Management: Tourist guides must be able to communicate effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds and manage groups. These courses aim to provide students with these skills.

Foreign Language: Foreign language skills are very important in tourist guiding. The program usually includes at least one foreign language course. These courses help students develop the language skills they will use while guiding tourists.

First Aid and Emergency Management: Counselors should be able to intervene in emergency situations and have knowledge of first aid. These courses include basic first aid techniques and crisis management.

Tour Planning and Organization: These courses provide information on how to plan and manage tour programs. Topics such as routing, time management and tour organization are covered.

Professional Practice and Field Studies: Field studies and internships, where theoretical knowledge is put into practice, are an important part of the program. Students gain professional experience by receiving practical training in real touristic places.

This curriculum aims to provide students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to become an effective and successful guide in the tourism sector. At the end of the program, graduates are equipped to have a variety of career opportunities in the tourism sector.