Academic Content and Curriculum of Traditional Handicrafts Associate Degree Program

The academic content and curriculum of the Traditional Handicrafts Associate Degree Program offers students an in-depth introduction to the rich world of traditional handicrafts and the opportunity to specialize in this field. The curriculum of the program includes both theoretical knowledge and practical applications, so that students acquire the necessary skills and knowledge.

Introduction to Traditional Crafts: This course covers the history, cultural significance and diversity of traditional crafts. Students will gain an overview of the crafts of different cultures and their place in society.

Pattern and Design: In this course, the basics of patterns and designs used in traditional handicrafts are taught. Students learn how various motifs and patterns are created and applied.

Material Knowledge: This course covers the properties and processing of various materials used in traditional handicrafts. Students learn the characteristics, usage areas and processing techniques of different materials.

Art History and Cultural Heritage: In this course, the evolution of traditional crafts in the context of art history and the importance of preserving cultural heritage are discussed. Students learn how handicrafts have developed and changed from past to present.

Applied Workshops: In workshops, which are an important part of the program, students learn various handicraft techniques in practice. These workshops can take place in various fields such as ceramics, woodworking, weaving, marbling, calligraphy.

Project Development and Presentation: Students develop individual or group projects using the knowledge and skills they have acquired. These projects allow students to showcase their creativity and applied skills.

Internship and Professional Practice: As part of the program, students have the opportunity to do internships in the field of traditional handicrafts and gain experience in real business environments.

The curriculum of the program teaches students the craft and art aspects of traditional handicrafts by balancing them. In this way, graduates have the knowledge and skills to carry these arts into the future by both preserving traditional techniques and modern design approaches. This comprehensive education trains students to become experts and innovators in the field of traditional handicrafts.