Academic Content and Curriculum of Turkology Undergraduate Program

The academic content and curriculum of the Turkology Undergraduate Program is based on the in-depth study of Turkish language, literature and culture. The courses offered to students in this program cover linguistics, literature, history and cultural studies. Throughout the program, students learn the phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic structure of Turkish. It also focuses on the evolution of the language from ancient Turkic written languages to modern Turkish.

The curriculum is enriched with courses covering different periods of Turkish literature. A wide range of works from Divan literature to Tanzimat and Servet-i Fünun periods, from the National Literature Movement to the Turkish literature of the Republican period are analyzed. Literature courses focus on the works of important writers and poets and analyze these works in a historical and social context. Students develop their textual analysis skills by learning literary theories and critical approaches.

Linguistics courses offer students the opportunity to understand the structure of Turkish and to compare it with other Turkish languages. In these courses, the historical development of the language, inter-dialect relations and factors affecting language change are discussed. In addition, the program includes areas of modern linguistics such as sociolinguistics and pragmatics, so that students can better understand the function and use of language in social contexts.

History and culture courses, another important component of the program, provide information about the history and cultural heritage of Turks. These courses cover topics such as the Turkish history of Anatolia and Central Asia, the social structure of the Turks, their belief systems and artistic activities. Folklore and ethnography courses are important for learning about Turkish folk culture, traditions and rituals.

The program also includes courses in research techniques and writing. These courses aim to teach students how to conduct their academic work, how to write scientific papers and develop academic presentation skills. Such courses develop students' ability to think critically, evaluate analytically and conduct independent research.

In general, the curriculum of the Turkology Undergraduate Program is designed to provide students with comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of Turkish language, literature and culture. The program adopts an interdisciplinary approach, combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications. This ensures that graduates are prepared for a variety of career opportunities in both academic and professional fields.