Tokat in Numbers

International Student


Tokat is a province located in the Black Sea Region of Turkey and stands out with its historical and natural beauties. The city is surrounded by Samsun in the north, Amasya and Sivas in the west, Yozgat in the south and Ordu in the east. Spread over an area reaching up to 600 meters in altitude, Tokat has a climate structure under the interaction of Black Sea climate and continental climate. For this reason, winters are cold and snowy and summers are hot and dry. Annual precipitation is mostly concentrated in winter and spring.

The vegetation of Tokat is quite diverse with the effect of its climate. There are steppe plants in the high parts of the province with the effect of continental climate and forests in the low parts with the effect of Black Sea climate. Chestnut, hazelnut, oak and various coniferous trees grow naturally in Tokat.

In terms of demographic structure, while the majority of Tokat's population is Turkish, it also hosts communities with various cultural backgrounds. The population of the city has tended to migrate in recent years and has an elderly population structure in general.

Living in Tokat offers a calm and peaceful environment. The cost of living is lower compared to Turkey's major metropolitan areas. However, job opportunities are limited and the economy is mostly based on agriculture, animal husbandry and small-scale industry. However, Tokat is one of the few provinces without air transportation; the nearest airport requires hours of travel. Urban transportation is provided by bus and minibus lines, but the transportation network is not extensive enough.

Tokat, which has a rich diversity in terms of local cuisine, is especially famous for its kebab, tokat wrap and perdeli pilaf. The food culture, hospitality and strong family structure ensure the continuation of local traditions.

There are many natural and historical places to visit in the city. These sites include Ballica Cave, Tokat Castle and Sulusokak. However, the city cannot fully utilize its potential due to insufficient tourism infrastructure.

One of the advantages of living in Tokat is that it offers the opportunity to lead a peaceful and quiet life in touch with nature. However, disadvantages include limited economic opportunities, inadequate transportation facilities and a less vibrant social life.