Fırat University Base Points and Achievement Rankings

Program P. Type G. Quota. S. Rank B. Score
SAY 24 - 290,29267
SAY 6 - 0,00000
SAY 24 - 291,77340
SAY 6 - 0,00000
SAY 24 - 290,16078
SAY 6 - 305,40432
SÖZ 40 - 306,85930
SÖZ 65 - 238,78012
SÖZ 30 - 237,21911
SÖZ 24 - 305,88587
SÖZ 24 - 326,40521
EA 32 - 251,24803
DİL 55 - 268,24359
DİL 70 - 352,00660
Accounting and Tax Applications TYT 60 - 264,44838
Aircraft Maintenance and Repair SAY 55 - 299,92401
Alternative Energy Sources Technology TYT 35 - 246,99466
Anesthesia TYT 70 - 365,77930
Aquaculture Engineering SAY 35 - 231,99452
Architectural Restoration TYT 30 - 262,45783
Architecture SAY 30 - 304,93314
Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering SAY 35 - 395,78794
Audiometry TYT 40 - 321,29332
Automotive Technology TYT 50 - 256,59545
Autopsy Assistant TYT 70 - 312,04895
Aviation Electricity and Electronics SAY 55 - 289,43923
Banking and Insurance TYT 60 - 271,90248
Biology SAY 24 - 247,20918
Biomedical Device Technology TYT 60 - 281,49555
Building Inspection TYT 25 - 242,29791
Building Inspection TYT 30 - 236,83729
Business EA 60 - 244,26925
Business Management TYT 30 - 240,31166
Business Management TYT 60 - 248,42529
Chemical Engineering SAY 20 - 290,27741
Chemistry SAY 28 - 247,39501
Chemistry Technology TYT 30 - 248,00075
Child Development TYT 60 - 280,44622
Civil Engineering SAY 40 - 290,19833
Civil Engineering SAY 30 - 290,47516
Classroom Teaching EA 50 - 356,14675
Clothing Production Technology TYT 30 - 240,56163
Computer Engineering SAY 95 - 361,78346
Computer Programming TYT 50 - 277,91107
Computer Programming TYT 50 - 258,94722
Computer Programming TYT 50 - 264,42221
Computer Programming TYT 90 - 307,02135
Computer Programming (Distance Education) TYT 100 - 262,12777
Construction Technology TYT 40 - 242,78808
Construction Technology TYT 75 - 253,18520
Cooking TYT 40 - 298,69438
Dentistry SAY 90 - 446,80136
Economics EA 50 - 233,84873
Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution TYT 30 - 255,68562
Electrical and Electronics Engineering SAY 80 - 311,55128
Electrical and Electronics Engineering SAY 40 - 298,71038
Electricity TYT 80 - 286,65512
Electronic Technology TYT 25 - 259,52088
Electronic Technology TYT 30 - 271,54878
Elementary Mathematics Teacher Education SAY 50 - 293,04915
Energy Systems Engineering SAY 15 - 290,69605
English Language Teaching (English) DİL 50 - 398,10549
Environmental Engineering SAY 20 - 0,00000
Environmental Protection and Control TYT 30 - 240,46156
Finance EA 70 - 233,46651
First and Emergency Aid TYT 65 - 341,17878
Food Technology TYT 30 - 233,00291
Food Technology TYT 30 - 233,46961
Foreign Trade TYT 60 - 250,74323
Forensic Informatics Engineering SAY 53 - 318,84856
Forensic Informatics Engineering (M.T.O.K.) SAY 17 - 298,16161
Forensic Informatics Engineering (NCTR) SAY 2 - 296,91612
Garden Agriculture TYT 35 - 232,21596
Geological Engineering SAY 10 - 0,00000
Geotechnics TYT 30 - 232,43976
Graphic Design TYT 60 - 273,65239
Guidance and Psychological Counseling EA 50 - 340,79229
Health Institutions Management TYT 30 - 271,83804
Home Patient Care TYT 30 - 319,57382
Horsemanship and Coaching TYT 30 - 229,92940
Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technology TYT 30 - 299,32227
Industrial Design TYT 30 - 234,65863
Interior Design TYT 40 - 267,35227
Journalism SÖZ 65 - 238,21698
Labor Economics and Industrial Relations EA 50 - 221,83230
Laboratory and Veterinary Health TYT 30 - 303,37496
Land Registry and Cadastre TYT 40 - 267,43933
Landscape and Ornamental Plants Cultivation TYT 30 - 230,05475
Local Governments TYT 70 - 242,38019
Machine TYT 50 - 261,10593
Management Information Systems EA 40 - 332,30605
Mapping and Cadastre TYT 60 - 257,50167
Marketing TYT 45 - 240,47232
Mathematics SAY 24 - 279,43569
Mechanical Engineering SAY 35 - 297,31155
Mechatronics TYT 40 - 283,63147
Mechatronics Engineering SAY 35 - 296,59855
Mechatronics Engineering SAY 20 - 290,21837
Medical Documentation and Secretariat TYT 65 - 334,42555
Medical Imaging Techniques TYT 70 - 345,28097
Medical Laboratory Techniques TYT 70 - 330,97544
Medicine SAY 210 - 473,46306
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering SAY 15 - 0,00000
Midwifery SAY 75 - 311,86611
Molecular Biology and Genetics SAY 40 - 263,54272
Natural Gas and Installation Technology TYT 25 - 236,21526
Nursing SAY 130 - 349,68711
Nutrition and Dietetics SAY 30 - 284,13895
Occupational Health and Safety TYT 30 - 256,70982
Occupational Health and Safety TYT 55 - 274,36527
Office Management and Executive Assistantship TYT 60 - 282,48334
Opticianry TYT 30 - 302,58983
Organic Agriculture TYT 35 - 230,10431
Pharmacy SAY 40 - 427,03463
Pharmacy Services TYT 35 - 310,37246
Physics SAY 16 - 248,97026
Physiotherapy TYT 70 - 323,30048
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation SAY 65 - 278,38375
Political Science and Public Administration EA 80 - 251,54363
Preschool Education SÖZ 50 - 413,44773
Public Relations and Publicity TYT 60 - 255,07390
Public Relations and Publicity SÖZ 65 - 247,01195
Radio and Television Programming TYT 40 - 247,56521
Radio, Television and Cinema SÖZ 65 - 249,86463
Rail Systems Machinist TYT 35 - 298,43778
Science Teacher Education SAY 35 - 293,10414
Social Service EA 75 - 274,25482
Social Studies Teacher Education SÖZ 50 - 359,68701
Software Engineering SAY 70 - 382,71761
Software Engineering SAY 98 - 364,68105
Software Engineering (English) (UOLP-Sam Houston State) (Paid) SAY 20 - 398,43673
Software Engineering (M.T.O.K.) SAY 24 - 290,20631
Sport Management EA 55 - 250,99488
Statistics SAY 25 - 259,54579
Theology SÖZ 180 - 283,65913
Theology (M.T.O.K.) SÖZ 18 - 270,14870
Tourism and Hotel Management TYT 30 - 241,85559
Tourism and Hotel Management TYT 50 - 251,13975
Turkish Language Teaching SÖZ 50 - 395,77622
Veterinarian SAY 125 - 335,09224
Visual Communication Design SÖZ 65 - 245,32672
Welding Technology TYT 30 - 241,27813