İzmir Bakırçay University Base Points and Achievement Rankings

Program P. Type G. Quota. S. Rank B. Score
SÖZ 1 - 309,58855
Audiology SAY 40 - 287,39191
Biomedical Engineering SAY 60 - 306,87759
Business EA 70 - 301,77611
Computer Engineering SAY 75 - 414,27288
Economics EA 60 - 293,20988
Electrical and Electronics Engineering SAY 70 - 364,60045
Geography SÖZ 50 - 329,36370
Health Management EA 70 - 286,37741
History SÖZ 30 - 332,62335
Industrial Engineering SAY 75 - 374,58391
International Trade and Business (English) EA 60 - 326,87219
Laboratory and Veterinary Health TYT 50 - 320,39565
Law EA 160 - 397,19852
Management Information Systems (English) EA 65 - 375,44328
Medicine SAY 80 - 485,75709
Nursing SAY 110 - 343,78219
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation SAY 85 - 298,61854
Psychology EA 60 - 369,69097
Sociology EA 40 - 285,19075
Speech and Language Therapy SAY 75 - 379,14859