Academic Content and Curriculum of Greenhouse Associate Degree Program

The academic content of the Horticulture Associate Degree Program consists of courses covering the basic principles of horticulture and aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills required in the horticulture sector. The curriculum usually includes a combination of theoretical and practical courses. Here are some of the courses and topics found in a typical curriculum of this program:

Introduction to Greenhouse: This course introduces the basic concepts, history and current applications of greenhouse cultivation. Topics such as greenhouse design, building materials and greenhouse types.

Soil Science and Plant Nutrition: Physical and chemical properties of soil, soil health, plant nutrients and fertilization techniques are the main topics of this course.

Plant Physiology: Life cycles of plants, photosynthesis, respiration and other vital processes are covered in this course. It provides detailed information on plant growth and development.

Disease and Pest Control: Common diseases, pests and their control methods in greenhouse, integrated pest management are within the scope of this course.

Greenhouse Air Conditioning and Automation Systems: The management of climatic factors such as temperature, humidity, light and ventilation in the greenhouse and the use of automation systems are among the main topics of this course.

Irrigation and Drainage Systems: Design and management of advanced irrigation techniques and drainage systems to meet the water needs of crops and optimize water use.

Applied Horticulture: This course provides students with hands-on experience in a greenhouse environment. It includes processes such as plant cultivation, care and harvesting in real greenhouses.

Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Greenhouse Farming: Sustainable agricultural practices, organic greenhouse techniques and environmentally friendly agricultural methods form the basis of this course.

Occupational Health and Safety: Work safety, occupational health standards and risk management in the agricultural sector.

Entrepreneurship and Business Management: Management of greenhouse enterprises, business plan development, marketing strategies and financial management are in the content of the course.

These courses aim to provide students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to be successful in the greenhouse sector. In addition, the curriculum of the program is constantly updated to adapt to the needs of the sector and technological developments. In this way, students are informed about the current trends and innovations of the greenhouse sector. This comprehensive structure of the curriculum provides students with a solid foundation to pursue a career in horticulture or start their own business.