In summary Greenhouse

2023 Base Score
2023 Base Success Rank


Horticulture Associate Degree Program is an education program designed for students who want to specialize in the field of agriculture and plant breeding. The main objective of this program is to provide students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required in the field of horticulture. The program usually covers a two-year training period and informs its graduates about the cultivation of plants, management of greenhouses and agricultural technologies.

During their studies, students take a variety of courses related to horticulture. These courses include plant biology, soil science, plant protection, greenhouse techniques, water resources management and plant nutrition. These courses teach students the technologies used in greenhouses, methods of protection against plant diseases and pests, climate control systems and sustainable agricultural practices.

The practical aspect of the program is also very important. Students have the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned in practice through laboratory work and practical training in greenhouses. This practical work develops students' ability to find solutions to real-world problems they may encounter in the greenhouse sector.

As for career opportunities, graduates of the Associate's Degree Program in Horticulture usually find the opportunity to work in the agricultural sector, especially in the fields of greenhouse cultivation and plant breeding. Graduates can work in various fields such as greenhouse management, agricultural consultancy, plant protection and development, water resources management. In addition, graduates can establish their own greenhouses and have a career as entrepreneurs.

The program also offers students internship and practice opportunities. These internships allow students to experience real working conditions in the industry and expand their professional network. Internships allow students to gain valuable experience that will help them find a job after graduation.

As a result, the Associate's Degree Program in Horticulture offers a comprehensive education for those who want to pursue a career in agriculture and horticulture. The program ensures that students graduate ready for the sector with practical applications and internship opportunities as well as theoretical knowledge.