Climate of Province Bingöl

Bingöl is a city in the Eastern Anatolia Region with a typical continental climate. Winters are cold and long, while summers are hot and relatively short. Spring and fall seasons are usually short and transitional. The winter season starts in November and lasts until the end of March. Temperatures often drop below zero during this period. January and February in particular are the coldest months, with night temperatures as low as -20°C. Summer lasts from the beginning of June until the end of September, with temperatures usually reaching around 30°C, sometimes exceeding it.

Humidity is generally low because precipitation is low due to the continental climate. The most precipitation occurs in late spring and early fall. Annual precipitation usually varies between 400-500 mm and most of this precipitation falls as snow in winter. In the summer months, precipitation is mostly in the form of showers and short periods of time.

Winds are felt throughout the year in Bingol, and generally blow from the north and northeast directions. Cold winds in the winter months further reduce the feeling of warmth, while summer winds provide some cooling, but are mostly dry and hot. This effect of wind plays a particularly pronounced role on agricultural activities. Wind eroded soils can negatively affect agricultural productivity.

Climatic conditions also affect the social and economic life of Bingöl. Heavy snowfall and low temperatures in the winter months can make transportation difficult, creating serious problems, especially for those living in rural areas. The need for heating increases the energy consumption of the population, while dry and heat waves in the summer months put pressure on water resources. These climatic characteristics require the city's infrastructure and planning to be adapted to these natural conditions. In particular, agricultural and livestock activities vary periodically depending on seasonal climatic conditions, which has a direct impact on the local economy.