Life, Traditions and Customs in Bingöl Province

Bingöl stands out with a structure that blends the traditional lifestyles of Eastern Anatolia with modern times. Life in the city is largely intertwined with nature, and especially in rural areas is based on traditional methods of agriculture and animal husbandry. For those living in the city center, there is a more modern lifestyle, but traditional values remain an integral part of daily life.

Bingöl's social life is based on family and neighborhood relations. The sense of unity and solidarity within the community, coming together and supporting each other, especially in difficult times, is quite strong. Community members come together on a large scale during important events such as weddings, feasts and funerals, and such events play an important role in reinforcing social relations. Weddings, in particular, stand out as large organizations that last a long time and include various traditional rituals. Halaying and traditional dances accompanied by drum and zurna are indispensable parts of such events.

Food culture is one of the most important elements that bring the community together in Bingöl. Traditional Bingöl cuisine is known for its meat and grain-based dishes. Local dishes include stuffed meatballs, stuffed leaves, noodles and various local kebabs. Breakfast tables are also of great importance in Bingöl and are usually rich in local products such as cheese, olives, honey, butter and homemade jams.

Today, traditional clothing is mostly worn on special occasions and festivals. Colorful and embroidered dresses for women and dark colored shalwar and vests for men are typical clothing elements. Handicrafts, especially rug weaving, are still a traditional occupation in the region. These handicrafts provide both an economic contribution and play an important role in the transmission of cultural heritage.

In general, life in Bingöl is characterized by a combination of traditional and modern elements, where community solidarity and cultural heritage are deeply embedded in daily life. The city offers a unique lifestyle with both natural beauty and a rich cultural fabric. These are some of Bingöl's attractions for visitors and locals alike.