Food and Beverage in Ordu

Ordu's food and drink culture reflects the rich and varied characteristics of the Black Sea cuisine. The region is particularly known for its seafood, vegetable dishes known for their green nature, and desserts with regional characteristics. Food in Ordu is usually prepared with plenty of butter, cornmeal and local produce, which makes the flavors unique and satisfying.

Anchovy, one of the indispensables of Black Sea cuisine, is cooked in many different ways in Ordu. Pilaf with anchovies, fried anchovies, steamed anchovies and anchovy meatballs are among the most popular anchovy dishes. Pilaf with anchovies is a regional specialty made with a mixture of anchovies, rice, onion and various spices. Anchovy tava, on the other hand, is prepared by coating anchovies in corn flour and frying them and is usually served with lemon.

Corn is another staple food frequently used in Ordu cuisine. Corn bread is a must for every meal in this region and is consumed with most meals. In addition, "kuymak" (muhlama), made from corn flour, is a hot and thick mixture of butter, corn flour and cheese. Kuymak is an energizing dish consumed especially during the cold winter months.

One of Ordu's desserts, "rice pudding" is made by cooking milk, rice and sugar. In the region, rice pudding is usually served fried in the oven and sprinkled with cinnamon. Hazelnuts are the main ingredient in many desserts as they are the symbol of the city. Desserts such as baklava with hazelnut, halva with hazelnut and croquant with hazelnut are among the common options in Ordu's patisseries.

Tea consumption as a beverage is quite common in Ordu. Ordu, which is close to Turkey's tea production regions, is known for its tea consumption around the clock. Tea, which is often preferred after meals or when meeting with friends, is an integral part of social life. In addition, laz pastry, a regional drink, is a dessert with sherbet and is often consumed during tea hours.

In conclusion, Ordu's food and beverage culture offers a rich blend of local products and traditional Black Sea flavors. This cuisine attracts attention with its unique flavors that are appreciated by both locals and visitors. These flavors are an important cultural heritage element that reflects Ordu's natural and cultural richness.