Food and Beverage in Samsun

Samsun is known for its flavors reflecting the rich and diverse culinary culture of the Black Sea Region. Local dishes, fresh seafood, abundant greens and recipes prepared with local ingredients enrich the gastronomic scene of the city. Samsun's culinary culture offers a unique palette of flavors with the combination of both traditional Turkish cuisine and Black Sea-specific elements.

Seafood is an indispensable part of Samsun's culinary culture. Fish such as anchovies, bonito and haddock are cooked in various ways; grilled, fried or steamed. Especially anchovy is considered to be one of the most popular fish in the regional cuisine and is used in various dishes such as pilaf with anchovies, fried anchovies, and steamed anchovies.

Kale is one of the most characteristic vegetables of Samsun and Black Sea cuisine in general. Dishes such as black cabbage rolls, black cabbage soup and black cabbage salad are frequently consumed on cold winter days. Corn flour is also frequently used in cooking; corn bread is served at almost every meal. In addition to this bread, other corn-based delicacies such as laz pastry and corn soup are also popular.

Kuymak is another frequently encountered flavor in Samsun. Prepared by mixing corn flour, water and cheese, this dish is especially preferred for breakfast. Kuymak is known for its dense and creamy texture and is usually served with butter, which gives it a distinct flavor.

Among the desserts of Samsun, especially rice pudding and halva with hazelnut stand out. Rice pudding is a traditional Turkish dessert prepared by cooking rice flour, milk and sugar. Hazelnut halva, on the other hand, is an energizing dessert prepared with sugar and milk using hazelnuts, which are abundant in the region.

The city's tea culture is also remarkable. Fresh tea leaves from the Black Sea Region are a beverage that Samsunlu people consume frequently throughout the day. Tea is considered a part of social interactions and hospitality. Sitting and drinking tea in local cafes and tea gardens is an integral part of locals' daily routines.

Samsun's culinary culture offers its visitors a rich experience in terms of both visual and palate pleasure with its delicious dishes and various beverages. These local delicacies reflect the cultural identity of the city and create the perfect background for a Samsun-specific holiday experience.