Life, Traditions and Customs in Sivas Province

Sivas is a city in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey, which stands out with its rich historical past and deep-rooted cultural heritage. The city's lifestyle exhibits a unique structure with a blend of traditional and modern elements. Living in this region, where the continental climate prevails, brings along a series of habits and cultural activities shaped according to seasonal conditions.

Daily life in Sivas is based on agriculture and animal husbandry activities, especially in rural areas. Industry is also developing in the city center and surrounding districts, which contributes significantly to the local economy. As the winter months are cold and long, indoor activities and family visits are more common during these periods. Summer months are generally preferred for collective events such as weddings and festivals. In the social life of Sivas, especially traditional weddings, folk dances, music and food culture have an important place.

Traditional Sivas cuisine centers on meat and grain products. Sivas meatballs, madımak, divriği pilaf and keledoş are among the most famous local dishes. These dishes are frequently consumed especially on special occasions, holidays and weddings. In addition, dairy products such as ayran and yogurt are also indispensable in Sivas. Food culture creates opportunities for gathering and mingling in the social life of the city, especially during events such as collective iftar meals or village festivals.

Traditional handicrafts are an important part of Sivas' cultural heritage. Crafts such as carpet and rug weaving, coppersmithing and wood carving are valued both as a means of livelihood and cultural expression. Handicrafts are exhibited at local festivals and fairs and passed on to new generations.

Traditions and customs shape the structure of society and interpersonal relations in Sivas. Hospitality is one of the most prominent characteristics of the people of the region. Guests are welcomed with tea and local sweets. In addition, neighborly relations are strong and people share each other's religious and national holidays, happy and difficult days.

Finally, Sivas's religious and cultural activities reinforce the unity and solidarity of the community through collective worship and charity activities, especially during periods such as Ramadan and Eid al-Adha. In regions where Alevi-Bektashi culture is also influential, cem houses represent this cultural richness and diversity. Thus, Sivas tries to maintain the balance of having a society that is both modernizing and firmly rooted in its traditions.