Climate of Province Adana

The climate of Adana shows the characteristics of a typical Mediterranean climate, which is characterized by warm and often humid weather conditions throughout the year. The summer season extends from May to September and temperatures are quite high during this period. On average, temperatures in summer range between 30°C and 40°C, with some days exceeding 40°C. Winter is milder, with temperatures usually between 5°C and 15°C. Night temperatures rarely fall below freezing in winter.

Humidity is especially high during the summer months, making hot weather conditions feel more oppressive and oppressive. High humidity, combined with hot weather, can create heat stress for the body, which increases health risks for the elderly and those with chronic conditions. These conditions can be particularly challenging for people with asthma and respiratory diseases.

Rainfall is usually concentrated in winter and spring. Precipitation in summer is very rare. In winter, the amount of precipitation usually varies between 50-100 mm. Most of this precipitation occurs in the form of short storms. The spring months are more predictable in terms of rainfall, when vegetation comes to life and conditions favorable for agriculture are favorable.

Winds in Adana generally blow from the north and northwest directions. The hot winds (summer breezes) that blow during the summer months are especially noticeable in the afternoon hours and provide a natural way to cool down during these hours. In winter, however, cold winds from the north can lower temperatures even further and increase the feeling of cold air.

The climatic conditions in Adana have a profound impact on the social and economic life of the city. Agriculture intensifies when the climate is favorable and plays an important role, especially in the cultivation of citrus fruits, cotton and olives. Extreme heat in summer can affect outdoor activities and working hours in particular. For example, workers in the agriculture and construction sectors may have to take a break from their work at midday due to the heat. This can have indirect impacts on work productivity. In addition, the widespread use of air conditioners due to extreme heat leads to an increase in energy consumption, which in turn leads to an increase in energy demand during the summer months.