Climate of Province Balıkesir

Balıkesir is under the influence of both Marmara and Aegean Seas in terms of its climatic characteristics and has both continental and Mediterranean climate characteristics. While the northern parts of the city are mostly characterized by the temperate climate of the Marmara Region, the southern parts are characterized by the hot and arid climate of the Aegean Region. This diversity of climate offers opportunities for different living conditions and agricultural activities in Balıkesir's wide geography.

Seasonal temperature changes are felt distinctly in Balıkesir. Winter months are cold and rainy, and temperatures can drop to 0°C, especially in January and February. The spring season is mild and rainy; temperatures start to rise gradually from March onwards. Summer is generally hot and dry. Temperatures can exceed 30°C in July and August, when sea tourism is very popular in areas along the southern coast. Autumn transitions to winter with gradually cooling weather and increasing rainfall.

Rainfall is usually heavy from October to March. In the winter months, precipitation is mostly in the form of rain, but there may also be snowfall in the higher elevations. The average annual rainfall varies from region to region, but generally ranges between 500-700 mm. The spring and fall months are quite balanced in terms of precipitation, and the water needed for agriculture during these seasons is met naturally.

Winds play an important role in the climate of Balıkesir. In the summer months, breezes blowing from the Aegean Sea alleviate the heat waves and keep the region cool. Winds blowing from the north, on the other hand, can increase the effect of cold weather in winter. This variable nature of the winds has great potential, especially for wind power generation, and many wind turbines in the region take advantage of this.

While humidity is higher in the coastal areas of Balıkesir, it decreases as you move inland. High humidity causes the air temperature to feel more dominant especially in summer months. This can be challenging for the elderly and people with chronic diseases. However, in winter, high humidity makes the cold more tolerable.

Balıkesir's climate generally offers favorable conditions for various agricultural activities. Olive, tobacco and various fruit orchards thrive in this climate. At the same time, climatic conditions also affect the tourism potential of the city; hot and sunny days in summer stimulate tourism in coastal areas, while cold and rainy weather in winter offers opportunities for hiking and winter sports.