Demographic Structure of Burdur Province

Burdur is a province in southwestern Turkey with a diverse demographic structure. Its population is less dense than many other provinces in Turkey. According to 2020 data, Burdur's population is around 270,000. Most of the population lives in the provincial center and the surrounding towns and villages.

Burdur's demographic structure tends to have an elderly population profile in general. According to data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), the proportion of elderly population in Burdur is higher than the national average. This can be explained by the migration of the young population to big cities due to job opportunities. The migration of young people also puts pressure on the labor market in the city and offers more opportunities to work in traditional sectors such as agriculture and animal husbandry.

From an ethnic and cultural perspective, the population of Burdur is mostly Turkish, but various minority communities also live there. These groups include Kurds, Roma and other ethnic minorities. The city has a social structure that allows for the coexistence of different cultures, but the majority of the population shows a homogeneous ethnic composition.

In terms of education level, Burdur has a structure parallel to Turkey's average. There are educational institutions at primary, secondary and high school levels throughout the province and schooling rates are high. However, opportunities for higher education are limited and therefore students who want to study at university usually prefer to go to other cities.

In conclusion, the demographic structure of Burdur is shaped by factors such as migration, aging population and education level, which directly affect the social and economic structure of the city. The decline in the young population and the increase in the elderly population will determine the future demographic trends of the city, which is an important factor in the policy-making processes of local governments.