Climate of Province Bursa

The climate of Bursa is generally mild and humid, typical of the Marmara climate. Summers are hot and humid, while winters are cold and rainy. The average annual temperature of the city varies around 13-14°C. The hottest months are July and August, when temperatures can often reach 28-30°C. The coldest months are December and January, when temperatures often drop below 0°C.

Bursa has high humidity rates, which makes the air temperature feel more dominant in the summer months. The high humidity in the winter months makes the cold more sharp and striking. The city's rainfall regime is quite regular; the average annual rainfall varies between 700-800 mm. The most precipitation is usually observed in winter and spring. Short but heavy rains can also occur in the summer months.

Winds in Bursa generally blow from the north and northeast directions. Especially in the winter months, north winds cause cold air waves to reach the city. In the summer months, winds blowing from the north help alleviate the extreme heat to some extent.

The effects of these climatic conditions on life are varied. High temperatures and humidity in summer can pose health risks, especially for the elderly and people with chronic diseases. High humidity can also negatively affect air quality, which can trigger respiratory diseases. Cold and wet weather in the winter months increases the need for heating, which means an increase in energy consumption. While snowfall creates opportunities for winter tourism, especially in high areas such as Uludağ, it can make transportation difficult in the city center.

These climatic conditions also play a decisive role in Bursa's agriculture. Rainfall, especially in the spring months, creates favorable conditions for agriculture, while heavy rains in the summer months can sometimes cause flooding and erosion of agricultural lands. The year-round mild climatic conditions, on the other hand, allow for the cultivation of agricultural products suitable for the Mediterranean climate, such as olives, peaches and figs.