Life, Traditions and Customs in Iğdır Province

Iğdır has a rich cultural fabric due to its geographical location and ethnic diversity. Everyday life is greatly influenced by this diversity and the social structures, traditional activities and social relations of the city are shaped by this diversity. The cultural characteristics of the different ethnic groups living in the province color the daily life of Iğdır and this is reflected in festivals, weddings, religious ceremonies and other social events.

Daily life in Iğdır is intertwined with agriculture and animal husbandry. For this reason, work routines that start early in the morning form the basis of society, especially in rural areas. In the cities and villages, people are usually fed with the products they grow in their own gardens and this contributes greatly to the development of the local cuisine. Agricultural activities require the community to work together, especially in the spring and autumn seasons, and neighborly relations are strengthened at these times.

Local traditions stand out especially during weddings, holidays and special occasions. In Iğdır, weddings usually last for several days, are widely attended and celebrated with great enthusiasm. At weddings, the music, dance and food traditions of both Turkish and Kurdish and Azerbaijani Turkic cultures are on display. Halaying and folk dances accompanied by zurna are indispensable elements of these special occasions. In addition, hospitality plays a very important role in Iğdır and hosts make great efforts to host their guests in the best possible way.

Religious and national holidays are also important times when society comes together. Religious holidays, such as Ramadan and Eid al-Adha, stand out as times when families and neighbors come together to eat special meals, exchange gifts and spend time together. Cultural holidays such as Nowruz are also celebrated with enthusiasm to mark the arrival of spring, when young people jump over fire, sing and dance.

Iğdır's traditional cuisine is rich with various meat dishes, pastries and desserts. Local dishes such as keledoş, haşıl and aşı are especially preferred for special occasions and collective meals. These dishes are usually prepared with local ingredients and require long-term cooking techniques. The food culture is based on Igdir's rich agricultural products and the culinary habits of the different cultures with which it has interacted throughout history.

In this way, Iğdır is a city that blends traditional values with modern life, attracts attention with its cultural diversity and is known for its hospitality. The province, where each ethnic group preserves its own cultural heritage and integrates it into daily life, also offers a model of a society where different cultures live together in harmony.