The University's School of Foreign Languages was established in 2004 and offers English preparatory education. This education is compulsory for the English Business Administration Program of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and the English Language Teaching Program of the Faculty of Education, and optional for students in other faculties. The 30-hour weekly classes are held in classrooms of 18-20 students with technological facilities and focus on improving students' reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The program aims to bring students to B2 level in accordance with the Common European Framework and the Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework.

English Preparatory Proficiency Exams are held twice a year, and students with a grade point average of 60 and above can take the proficiency exam at the end of the spring semester and receive a certificate of achievement if they are successful. English Business Administration Department students who take compulsory preparatory education continue to the first year if they pass the exam, while those who fail must follow the preparatory program for one more year. There is no such obligation for students who take optional preparatory education.

In addition, the Faculty of Islamic Sciences offers 30% Arabic education in all its departments. New students can start the first year of the undergraduate program if they are successful in the Arabic Proficiency Exam or if they get enough points from an equivalent international exam. Students with insufficient Arabic proficiency attend the Arabic Preparatory Class, where they receive two semesters of 100% Arabic education. Successful completion of the preparatory class during the year is required to advance to the first year.